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Enzyme Forte  100 Tabs

Supportive Function: Potent formula of highly active pancreatic enzymes (includes proteolytic enzymes). Proteolytic enzymes are naturally produced by phagocytes (white blood cells) during times of inflammation in the body.

Ingredients: Highly Active Pancreatin Enzymes Each Enteric Coated Tablet Supplies: 550mg of Highly Active Pancreatin which supplies the naturally occurring enzymes Protease, Lipase, Amylase, Chymotrypsin (Trypsin).

Product ID: 1476

Vegetarian: No

Quantity: 100 Tablets

Suggested Dosage: 1-2 tablets 3 times daily

Contraindications: Do not take enzymes directly before or directly after surgery (for at least one week). They may prevent scar tissue from forming. Gradual dosage increase is recommended; intestinal permeability will predispose to gastrointestinal symptoms


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.