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Traumeric, 90

Why These Natural Ingredients?

Turmeric (Curcumin) This orange-colored spice, used for thousands of years in cooking and medicine, contains curcumin. The pharmacologically active component of turmeric, curcumin limits the action of lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase impeding enzymes in the inflammation pathway. While some manufacturers use unstandardized turmeric with fluctuating levels of curcumin, Traumeric includes 660 mg of standardized turmeric, guaranteed to contain 95% curcumin.

Bromelain The natural pineapple enzyme, bromelain is widely accepted for its roll in supporting circulation. Over 400 scientific papers on bromelain’s therapeutic applications have appeared in medical literature since 1957, including a 1960 study in which 78% of boxers receiving bromelain showed all signs of bruising completely cleared within 4 days compared with 13% in a control group.


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